This is a work in progress - we are always developing and learning, after all. It is also not concise. We just don't have the time to whittle it down. It is also limited to early education, because - after all - we have no experience with older children...
We are ecclectic - choosing bits and pieces from all over the place, but we love the methods and philosophies taught by Charlotte Mason and Maria Montessori.
SO... based on our research and our children...
"We Believe That..."
-A child's developmental level, learning style, temperment and interests should be major factors when deciding how to present material - especially new, difficult or uninteresting material.
-We should "Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed." Maria Montessori
-The best reward for learning is the knowledge acquired.
-We should expect more from our children. Children should be challenged to memorize scripture daily, be taught and expected to assist in housework from an early age, and be given the tools of time management early on.
-"Lovely Books" are always preferred to "Text Books." (Charlotte Mason Principle)
-Quality Salvation Army Programming is the perfect partner for homeschooling families. The Salvation Army offers service opportunities, music groups, character building and social interaction, Bible education and training, exposure to cultural diversity and excellent outdoor education.
- Two to Three hours per day of structured learning is enough for a child to learn all necessary skill sets. The remainder of the day should be spent in outdoor play, independant investigation and reading, cultural, social and service clubs, and other activities as directed by the child's own interests.
-Family - parents in particular - are the most important influence on a child's life.
-Quantity time is at least as important as Quality time.
-The most impressionable years of a person's life are infancy through age 6. This is when the seeds of faith are planted, character is developed, habits are formed, language is acquired and a love for learning can be fostered.
-Every academic subject is an opportunity to learn about the Lord. Math teaches us that the creator is a God of order, not chaos. History teaches us about God's plan of redemption, and Man's role in it. Government teaches us about God's justice, and we can trace American Constitutional Liberties to Biblical Foundations. Literature and the Humanities point to God's love of beauty and we can affirm ourselves as made in His image. Etc.