Current Projects, Units and Skill Sets - FEBRUARY

Check back for updates on the following projects. 

NOTE:  While we are committed to the mantainence of this site, it is not a top priority.  We will update as we are able.  There are some projects with set deadlines, others continue until the skill set is learned.

Most of our January skills will continue into February.  Since this phase of Home Education is for us to familiarize ourselves with our kids' learning styles, the curriculum and methods we enjoy, we are not under pressure.  HORRAY!

Independant Ministry Projects (not related to class):

Developing the BUSY PERSON'S RETREAT. 

Johnny Five (age 4)- February Subject Goals

Reading - Mission: Literacy Book 2
     Read Two Sentences based on words in the book (using stepping stone game).

Writing:  Trace Sight Words from Books 1 and 2

Math:  Get familiar with Math-U-See Manipulatives; Dad gets familiar with curriculum

Science:  Waiting till Fall
Health:  Work through one lesson this month.
Life Skills:  Using Indoor Voices
Character Development:  Big Brothers Care
Spiritual Disciplines:  Pray from the Heart
Bible Memorization:  One verse per week. 
Accomplished: 1 Timothy 4:12,
              Genesis 1:1, Psalm 89:28, Proverbs 3:1, Proverbs 3:5 (January)
Units (kid's interests that we base activities on):  Whales and Dolphins
     -Draw a Killer Whale (January - check)
     -Read the book of Jonah (January - check)
     -Learn Raffi Song "Baby Beluga"  (FEBRUARY GOAL)
     -Read 5 whale/dolphin books  (Started Jan, continue Feb)
     -Have a Killer Whale Party with friends and watch Free Willy  (February Goal)

Sammy (age 2) - January Subject Goals

Reading: Letter Recognition
Math/Science:  Number, Shape, Color Recognition
Life Skills:  Caring For Babies
Character:  No More Biting
Spiritual Disciplines:  Participate in Family Devotions
Bible Memorization:  Participate in memorization sessions and "Fill in the blanks"
Accomplished:  1 Timothy 4:12
         Genesis 1:1, Psalm 89:28, Proverbs 3:1, Proberbs 3:5 (January)
Units:  babies and animals